Back To The Future Glory Days of Kappa Alpha Psi

Los AngelesPaladin Movies International


Raised of $2,500 USD

Successfully funded on Jun 24, 2014
41 supporters


Select Reward

Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation

10000 left

Select Reward

Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card PLUS Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation

4996 left

Select Reward

Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary PLUS Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support The National Masterplan for Reclamation

2984 left

Select Reward

Rough cut of the second DVD in the BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary series PLUS The Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary, Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation

2995 left

Select Reward

Supporter's Reward of an autographed Hard Copy DVD signed by Ron Benson, the Producer PLUS Rough cut of the second DVD in the BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary series,The Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary, Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation

487 left

Select Reward

Individual Chapter Supporter's Reward of 1 Hour Telephone Consultation with Ron Benson, the Producer to produce a Distinctive Edutainment Documentary that promotes and preserves the Legacy of individual Chapters of ΚΑΨ, an autographed Hard Copy DVD signed by Ron Benson, the Producer, the Rough cut of the second DVD in the BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary series, the Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary, a Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation.

99 left

Select Reward

Sponsors Reward of 1 Hour Telephone Consultation with Ron Benson, the Producer to produce a Distinctive Individual Documentary to chronicle life Achievements (just the camera work for the DIY Plan you receive would cost more than $2000.00), an autographed Hard Copy DVD signed by Ron Benson, the Producer, the Rough cut of the second DVD in the BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary series, the Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary, a Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation.

50 left

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Divine 9 BGLO Collaborator Reward of 2 Hour Telephone Consultation with Ron Benson, the Producer for other Greek Letter Organizations interested in producing a DVD (the professional production value is $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 for the DIY Plan you will receive), the Supporter's Reward of an autographed Hard Copy DVD signed by Ron Benson, the Producer, the Rough cut of the second DVD in the BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary series, the Final Cut "BACK TO THE FUTURE GLORY DAYS OF ΚΑΨ" Edutainment Documentary, a Personalized Commemorative ΚΑΨ Thank You Card, and Fundraising Strategies That Support A National Masterplan for Reclamation.

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