Care Two Dance

MelbourneCultural Infusion


Raised of $7,000 AUD

Successfully funded on Nov 17, 2015
35 supporters


Select Reward

A social media shout out because you're awesome!

1500 left

Select Reward

Free dance class of your choice

748 left

Select Reward

A thank you gift from our projects

747 left

Select Reward

2 free dance classes of your choice

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Select Reward

Branded C2D dance singlet

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Select Reward

2 hour intensive workshop with guest teacher (jazz)

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Select Reward

2 hour intensive workshop with guest teacher (hip hop)

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Select Reward

2 hour intensive workshop with guest teacher (ballet)

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Select Reward

1 week of unlimited classes

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Select Reward

4 week “Bro's” only course

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Select Reward

Branded C2D jacket

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Select Reward

Private dance class in the style of your choice

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Select Reward

Merchandise pack: C2D singlet, jacket and drink bottle

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Select Reward

1 month unlimited classes

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Select Reward

Merchandise pack and logo display at C2D

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Select Reward

Private class for you and 10 of your friends, colleagues or students

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Select Reward

Private class for you and 10 of your friends, colleagues or students and logo/name on our supporter’s board and branded C2D jacket

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Select Reward

Name 1 of our dance studios! (Company logo display optional) and branded C2D jacket

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Select Reward

Visit our programs in India or South Africa or Cambodia

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