Daily Tonic Australia - A KICKASS LITTLE SHOT

Sydney, AustraliaDaily Tonic Australia PTY LTD


Raised of $3,500 AUD

Fundraising ended on Oct 24, 2017
9 supporters


Select Reward
Thank You

We'll send you a personal thank you from our team


Select Reward
Daily Tonic T-Shirt

We'll send you a limited edition Daily Tonic T-Shirt

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Select Reward
1 x 14 Day Challenge

We'll deliver you the 14 day challenge to start you off on your amazing Daily Tonic journey.

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Select Reward
2 x 14 Day Challenge

We'll deliver you a month's supply of Daily Tonic so you can stay well.

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Select Reward
3 x 14 Day Challenge

For a limited time, we'll deliver you the 14 day challenge for a month and half for only $90.

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Select Reward
Daily Tonic Breakfast

We'll offer you a chance to have breakfast with the Daily Tonic team. We will share with you our story and enjoy Daily Tonic samples with a healthy brekky.

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Select Reward
Daily Tonic Luncheon

The team at Daily Tonic will come to your home/office and bring an amazing healthy lunch with matching Daily Tonics for 10 of your friends/employees.

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