Children's Photographs of Literacy From Ghana

Melbourne, AustraliaBrendan Rigby


Raised of $4,840 AUD

Successfully funded on May 09, 2016
94 supporters


Select Reward
Instagram photographer

I will send you a personalised thank you email and social media shout out. Your name will also be listed at the exhibition as a supporter.

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Select Reward
Amateur photographer

The above rewards + I will send you one of the digital photographs taken by the children with a personalised message via email. This will include information about who took the photograph, what they got out of participating in the research, and what their hopes are for future schooling and education.

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Select Reward
Freelance photographer

The above rewards + I will send you one of the photographs as a postcard through the mail (yes, the actual mail!) with a personalised message. I will also ask you to send me your thoughts about what the photograph means and represents to you. I will include this in a blog post and possible research article about the exhibition.

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Select Reward

The above rewards + a special invitation to the exhibition that will include a guided tour of the photographs with me during the exhibition dates. Of course, you'll have to arrange your own way to Melbourne!

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Select Reward
World Press Photo Winner

The above rewards + a sit down coffee with me in Melbourne to talk through my research and have a look at the larger catalogue of photographs.

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Select Reward
Susan Sontag All-Star

The above rewards + you will be listed on publicity materials and at the exhibition as the principal sponsor of the event.

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