Preserve Lesbian History in Washington DC

Washington Labor of Love


Raised of $15,000 USD

Successfully funded on Jan 01, 2013
164 supporters


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5 dollars goes a long way! You will receive a thank you email and you'll be listed on our "Supported By" page!

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Get a personalized shout out on twitter & facebook and have your donation be dedicated to your partner or friend on our Herstory Fame Page + rewards at above level.

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You've earned a signed Labor of Love DVD & Free Drink at the Jan 2nd Fundraising Celebration at MOVA + rewards at above levels. :-)

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Aw, shucks. You've earned a cozy Labor of Love T-shirt + rewards at above levels!

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Celebrate lesbian space with us! That's right, you have earned a VIP pass to the film's official launch party in April 2013 + rewards at above levels.

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It's a date! Next time you are in DC or when you visit, you get a free dinner with director and select cast members at Hanks Oyster Bar + rewards at the above levels.

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You've received a producer credit + rewards at the above levels.

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Become an executive producer! You will be listed as a community sponsor on the website + rewards at the above level.

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