THE LEADER'S WAY - Become a founding member today!

AustraliaVerge Collaborative


Raised of $19,800 AUD

Successfully funded on Mar 18, 2022
56 supporters


Select Reward

Want to test out THE LEADER'S WAY to see if it's right for you? This initial 1 month subscription will get you started. Your monthly subscription includes access to all online workshops and community meetup groups, as well as our private online community. There's no obligation to continue beyond one month, but if you decide you would like to, you can choose between a monthly or annual subscription. (Subscription starts 18 March 2022.)


Select Reward
Be a Founding Member of THE LEADER'S WAY

Be one of the first 100 new participating leaders joining us on THE LEADER'S WAY for the next 12 months! Your annual subscription includes access to all online workshops and community meetup groups, as well as our private online community. Be one of the first to sign up and get a bonus small group coaching session with one of our great coaches (Subscription starts 18 March 2022.)

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Select Reward
Group Coaching

Looking for something more specialised? Add a group coaching experience to your LEADER'S WAY experience. Reduced from $660 to $495 for the first 20 leaders who grab this reward! Includes 5 monthly small group leadership coaching sessions with a qualified coach (1.5 to 2 hour online sessions).

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Select Reward
Pay It Forward

We get it. THE LEADER'S WAY is not for everyone. Perhaps what we're setting up isn't relevant for you, but you totally see how it will benefit leaders working or volunteering in social services, in addition to having an impact on the sector itself. If that's you and you'd like to support us financially to keep growing the program, we'd really appreciate you choosing to Pay It Forward. We will use these funds to offer Group Coaching opportunities to participating leaders who would otherwise not be in a position to afford this developmental experience.


Select Reward
Individual Leadership Coaching

Completed personalised, if you're ready to become the leader you believe you can be, individual leadership coaching is for you! Reduced from $2,200 to $1,320 for the first 15 leaders who are ready to make significant changes, this reward includes 8 hours of developmental leadership coaching with THE LEADER'S WAY Founder, Nat Ellis.

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Invest in a Better Social Sector

If you share our vision of a more responsive, empowered and empathic social sector guided by better leaders, we would love your support. If you would like to support us financially to keep growing the program, we'd really appreciate you investing in this vision. We will use these funds to offer Group Coaching opportunities to participating leaders who would otherwise not be in a position to afford this developmental experience. We will also invite you to an annual supporter’s event, send you updates, share our learnings, and founder Nat will take you to dinner to thank you.
